About Me
Currently working on healthcare workforce forecasting projects for the American Physical Theraphy Association, surveys of members, and developing policies on organizational learning from and management of data. I have studied the implementation, enforcement, and impact of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) since 1994, and am one of the few national experts on the NVRA. I have provided technical assistance on improving implementation of the Act to federal officials and numerous states. With civil rights groups, I have identified non-compliant states, provided technical assistance to officials on implementation, advised ground-breaking litigation to enforce the law, and designed remedial strategies for fair implementation of this critical voting rights law. Other recent research projects include a study of food access in neighborhoods using a survey from Housing and Urban Development and compiling a historical database of state election policies. I have also studied the relationship between food security and Food & Nutrition Service programs as well as participation in these programs. My other interests include studying how to advance civically engaged scholarship in political science and ways to incorporate policy analysis and, more broadly, public problem-solving in undergraduate curricula. |
Teaching and Higher Education
I have taught policy analysis, political science, and statistics for Grinnell College, Smith College, George Washington University, and Georgetown University. For specifics on courses taught, as well as information on advising, academic service, and research grants, please see my CV at the upper left of this page. Research & Teaching Interests